
Showing posts from October, 2020

Writing Coaches

Sharing our narrative writing with our buddies! We are working together to find something to work on and positives about her writing! 

Practical Learning

 During practical learning last term we were set the challenge to hand sew our own headphone bags. It took a lot of persistence (especially as most of us had never done anything like this before!). This term we finished them off - we are so proud of our efforts! You can see more of our finishing bags on our personal blogs.  ]

Welcome back to Term 4

 We cannot believe we are already in the last term of the year. This will be a busy year for our year 6's as they prepare to move on to intermediate next year. This week we participated in New Zealand Shake Out Day. This meant that on Thursday morning, Miss Candish yelled 'EARTHQUAKE' and we practiced what we would do in the case of a real earthquake. It was a good refresher for us. We also took part in Pink Shirt Day (Anti-bullying day). We talked about how to stand up for ourselves and for each other. We tried to be the very best version of ourselves!