
Showing posts from July, 2019

Capital E Performance

On Friday, we were lucky enough to watch a performance in our school hall! The performance was inspired by the themes of Tuia 250 and explored the concepts of culture and identity and what this means for Aotearoa. Afterwards, we discussed the take-home messages from the performance, here are some of our ideas... We are all different - different eyes, skin, hair, personalities, different cultures, come from different places. However, we all ended up in the same place (Carlton School) and it's cool that we all get along.  It's really important to listen to each other because we all have so much to give, different stories to tell and different ideas about things. Everyone is important!  .    


Last day of term 2 means..... we get to come to school in PYJAMAS!!  .     

Nature Photography Week

Last week (week 9) we were given the challenge to capture photos of nature around the school. Our first thoughts were, “This will be easy!” We didn’t realise there are so many skills involved in taking a good photo! We had to research how to take a good photo on the internet and play around with the camera settings on the Ipads and digital cameras. We also looked on the internet for inspiration and we were totally amazed!  Our top tips for taking good photos are…  It’s all about the angle of the shot. Its important to take a photo and then look at it carefully. Try another angle again and again until we are happy with the photo.  Make sure the camera is focused before taking the shot! If we don’t do this the photo will be blurry!  Take our time! We have to persist when taking photos. We know the perfect shot takes time and concentration!  Overall we had lots of fun and enjoyed looking at each others nature photos!  Here are a few o...